Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical

Program Objectives:


              PO-1      Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve Business Problems.

              PO-2      Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making.

PO-3      Ability to develop value based leadership ability.

PO-4      Ability to understand, Analyze and communicate global, economic, legal and ethical aspects of business.

PO-5      Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment.






  • 1.     To ensure that post-graduates get good Employment
  • 2.     To make post-graduates sole traders and entrepreneurs
  • 3.     To make post- graduates Pursue research  work in the area of their domain

