Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical
Arts & Cultural


Basic Functions of Cultural Committee:

To promote and arrange extracurricular activities to bring out the hidden  talents of students. The Cultural Committee shall be responsible for all intra and inter collegiate cultural events in the College. To plan and schedule cultural events for the academic year by delegating various tasks to the members of the Committee and the Students.To communicate about various events to be celebrated in the college and post the related information on the website or on Notice Boards. Arranging events/programs for staff and students in coordination with Students. To prepare budget for all cultural events and take necessary steps for its approval. The Convener of the committee shall conduct a meeting of the committee to discuss and delegate task. The committee is also responsible to design and finalize the list of cultural events, participants related to the specific cultural programme. To prepare and maintain records of all cultural activities


S.no Name Department & Designation Position
1 Dr. S.V.Appaji Prof. CSE Convener
2 Mrs. P.Sarala Asst. Prof. ECE Co-Convener
3 Dr. T.A.S.S.Santhi Sri Assoc. Prof. BS&H Member
4 Mrs. G.Pavani Assoc. Prof. BS&H Member
5 Ms. K.Kavya Asst. Prof. Civil Member
6 Mr. P.SubaniKhan Asst. Prof. EEE Member
7 Mr. M.Chandra Sekhar Asst. Prof. Mech Member
8 Mrs. Y.Anusha Asst. Prof. MBA Member
9 Ms. K.Leela Rani Asst. Prof. ECE Member
10 Mr. M.Subba Rao Asst. Prof. CSE Member
11 Mrs. N.Rama Devi Asst. Prof. BS&H Member
12 Mr. M.Nageswara Rao Asst. Prof. BS&H Member
13 Mrs. T.Bhavani Asst. Prof. ECE Member
14 Mr. M.Sudheer Asst. Prof. ECE Member
15 Mrs. K.Bhagya Lakshmi Asst. Prof. BS&H Member
16 Ms.B. Navya Sree 17JR1A0502 Member
17 Mr.M.Shalem Raju 17JR1A05B3 Member
18 Ms.Ch.Lakshmi Bhavana 18JR1A0512 Member
19 Mr.Sk.Eesub Vali 18JR1A05G2 Member
20 Mr.K.Sunny Priyal 18JR1A0595 Member
21 Ms.A.Hyndavi 17JR1A0403 Member
22 Mr.S.Harinadh 17JR1A04H1 Member
23 Ms.K.Divya 17JR1A0461 Member
24 Ms.A.Tirumalasetti Bhavana 18JR1A04D2 Member
25 Mr.A.T.Venu Gopal 18JR1A0426 Member
26 Ms.B.Sravani 17JR1A0407 Member
27 Mr.B.Naga Pamulu 18JR5A0204 Member
28 Mr.G.Dharma Teja 17JR1A0329 Member
29 Mr.J Joseph 17JR1A0337 Member
30 Mr.K Bhargav 17JR1A0344 Member
31 Mr.G Teja 18JR5A0314 Member
32 Mr.K.Naga Venkata Aakash 17JR1A0150 Member
33 Mr.B.Prasad 17JR1A0126 Member
34 Mr.A.Krishna Murthy 18JR1A0116 Member
35 Ms.A.Rajeswari 18JR1E0002 Member
36 Mr.J.Sangeetha Rao 18JR1E0037 Member








