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NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical
HR Manual





Human Resources Policy Handbook Positions

The following are the positions of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff

Teaching Faculty

Non Teaching Staff


  • To produce eminent and ethical Engineers and Managers for society by imparting quality professional education with emphasis on human values and holistic excellence.


  • To incorporate benchmarked teaching and learning pedagogies in curriculum.
  • To ensure all round development of students through judicious blend of curricular, co curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • To support cross-cultural exchange of knowledge between industry and academy.
  • To provide higher/continued education and research opportunities to the employees of the institution.


  • The effectiveness and efficiency of an institution depends upon the competence and quality of its human resources. Hence, the institution ensures a streamlined recruitment process in identifying and hiring the best qualified candidates for all given positions. The recruitment policy is applicable to all new recruits in all cadres.


  • The recruitment and selection policies of the institution are transparent and fair.  The institution gives advertisements in popular news papers calling applications for different positions in B.tech, M.Tech and MBA branches. After screening the applications, potential candidates are identified and then they are called for interview. Candidates who perform well in the interview are selected by the Interview Board which consists of Principal, HOD concerned and subject expert drawn from nearby reputed colleges. The selected candidates will be given appointment order on the same day.


1.1.1. The Principal shall assess in the month of April every year the staff requirement for the subsequent academic year.

1.1.2. He will obtain the staff requirement lists from all the heads of departments and arrive at the number of faculty members and administrative staff required with the following guidelines in mind.

1.1.3. He will consider appointing a Professor to be the Head of every discipline, besides the number of Associate/Assistant Professors and              Teaching assistants required in accordance with the faculty student ratio prescribed.

1.1.4. The faculty - student ratio shall be 1:20 and for this purpose Professors shall also be included in counting the number of faculty members.

1.1.5. The minimum contact hours during the week for  each category shall be maintained as follows:

Principal                                          4

Professors                                        8

Associate Professors                       12

Asst.Prof./Teaching assistants         16

1.1.6. The selection committee for recruitment in each discipline consists of principal, HOD concerned and a subject expert drawn from nearby reputed college.


1.2.1. The selection committee shall prepare job description and job specification for the candidate to be recruited.

1.2.2. The committee shall invite candidates in the  ratio of 1:4 for every position to be filled, from any or all of the following sources:

              Advertisement in the Newspapers

              Files maintained for storing the unsolicited application.

1.2.3. The committee deems it fit, may also conduct Walk in Interviews for augmenting the required candidates.

1.2.4. The committee shall short list the candidates in the following processes:

              Subject tests

              Personal Interviews

              Class Room Demonstrations

1.2.5. The committee shall finalize the short listed candidates and submit their recommendation along with the Personal data sheets of the candidates to the Chairman who in turn Interview the candidates and decide on the appointment.

1.2.6. An Offer of appointment shall be released by the Chairman /Secretary/Principal in the Form 2 as appended to this manual.

1.2.7. First class post graduates with ME/M.Tech/MBA degree are eligible for appointment as Assistant professors in Engineering and  Management disciplines. Similarly post graduates with MA/MSc Degrees are eligible for appointment as Assistant Professors in the Science and Humanities department.

1.2.8. PhD with 1st Class in ME/MTECH/MBA programs with 5 years teaching/industry/research experience is the eligibility for the appointment as Associate Professors.

1.2.9. PhD with 1st Class in ME/MTECH/MBA programs with ten years teaching/ industry/ research experience is the eligibility for appointment as Professors.


1.3.1. Every faculty appointed in the College shall be given a brief introduction about the College by the Principal on the day of his/her joining.

1.3.2. The Principal shall take him/her to the department concerned and introduce him/her to the Head of the Department.

1.3.3. The HOD will give a brief introduction of the department and will introduce the new incumbent to all the existing teaching and non-teaching members of his team.

1.3.4. The HOD will also ensure that all the formalities, including the submission of joining report are fulfilled.

1.3.5. The HOD will introduce the new faculty member to the students concerned in their respective classrooms.


2.1. To communicate the general office and college timings of the institute

2.2. To lay down the general guidelines to record the attendance of employees in the institute as per the applicable timings

2.3. All employees on regular rolls are covered under this policy

2.4. The timings of the institute are from 9.50 AM to 5.20 PM on all days of the week, except Sunday. However for MBA and M.Tech Programs, the timings are from 9.50 AM to 3.40 PM. Employees are expected to attend the college on all working days, at the designated time and mark attendance in the manual attendance register. They are also expected to do this again at the time of leaving the college.

2.5  Up to 15 minutes after the designated starting time is considered as “grace period”. The marking of attendance beyond grace period is permissible only twice in a month for a maximum time of another 15 minutes. The names of employees who exceed the number of instances of grace period in a quarter will be informed to the Principal.


3.1.1. The College will have the following positions of hierarchy in the teaching departments:


                  b.Special positions, including Dean


                  d.Associate Professors and

                  e. Assistant Professors /TA

3.1.2. In addition, each department shall have support staff like Lab Assistants, programmers and technicians.

3.1.3. The College Office will have the following positions of hierarchy in the administrative department.

                  a.Administrative Officer

                  b.Accountant, Cashier, Scholarship clerk, Office Assistants,

3.1.4 The college fixes pay scales as per AICTE norms.


3.2.1. In addition to Basic Salary, a monthly dearness allowance shall be extended to Teaching Faculties and non teaching staff.

3.2.2. Management can also decide and pay other allowances for Professor, Principal and TPO etc


3.3.1. Staff Members are eligible for increments after completion of one year satisfactory service.

3.3.2. Additional Increments shall be given to staff members based on their contributions to the college in terms of PhD awards and publications at the discretion of the Management.

3.3.3. The college gives 10% increments to all the teaching and non teaching staff members every year.


3.4.1. The College permits its faculty to take up teaching assignments with other educational institutions subject to the conditions stipulated.

3.4.2. A faculty, who has been approached for giving guest lecturers in other educational institutions, shall make a request to the Principal, who will go through the nature of the assignment and approve the same.

3.4.3. Unless approved by the Principal, a teaching staff member shall not take any teaching or non-teaching assignment in another institution, whether for remuneration or on honorary basis.


3.5.1. Staff Members are eligible for the following incentives and rewards, based on their contribution and years of service at the Institution. Points a to d are applicable to staff members with minimum 1 year of service at the Institution.

a) For Paper publications in National and International Magazines and journals, the college reimburses 50% of the total cost incurred by the faculty. Similarly for attending conferences, seminars and FDP’s OD facility is provided.

b) Faculties who undergo part time PhD program are given OD as and when necessary.

c) HOD’s of all departments and Non teaching staff in the college are provided bus facility free of cost. Faculty is also provided bus facility at subsidized cost.

d) Fee waiver for the children of non teaching staff.


4.1 Casual leave

All employees are eligible for 15 days of casual leave in a calendar year which shall be credited to them upon joining on pro-rata basis. However, in general until the completion of one year service, CL cannot be availed more than once in a calendar month. Employees who are on CL cannot be absent from duty continuously for more than 4 days including intervening holidays. Employees may avail CL for ½ a day also. The CL which are not availed get lapsed at the end of the calendar year.

4.2 Academic leave

All teaching faculty is eligible for 15 days of academic leave in a calendar year. Academic leave can be availed only for listed approved conferences which are of repute. For other conferences, the leave may be sanctioned for the day of making a presentation. Academic leave may also be considered for reasons such as delivering invited talks and attending spot valuation assignments of the affiliated university. Teaching faculty who wish to avail academic leave should get their leave approved by the principal at least 2 days in advance and send the approved leave application along with the invitation letter to the concerned university or college.

4.3 Maternity Leave (ML)

The Institute sanctions maternity leave for 12 weeks, to be availed at the convenience of the mother-to-be. The leave period includes weekends and holidays. Maternity leave shall be limited to an employee’s first two confinements only and it will be in addition to other leave facilities of the Institute and shall not be prefixed or suffixed with any other kind of leave.

4.4 Leave without Pay (LWP) or Extraordinary Leave

If an employee has exhausted all types of leaves, he / she may be allowed to take leave without pay up to a maximum of 30 days in a year, subject to the recommendation of the HOD and approval by principal. Leave without Pay (LWP) shall not be treated as break of service

4.5 Special leave for pursuing research

This leave shall be given, on a case to case basis, to those who have registered their names in the  Ph.D programs and cleared their pre-Ph.D course work in a maximum period of 15 days. The leave needs to be approved by the Principal. The Principal shall call for supporting recommendation letter from the Research Director for granting the approval. The unutilized special leaves can neither be carried forward nor encashed.

4.6 Summer vacation

All teaching faculty except those who hold administrative responsibilities, will be eligible for summer vacation. The Management shall announce the annual dates for the summer vacation which shall ordinarily be availed by all, unless asked by the management to be available for some special assignments during the vacation. All faculty members who stand confirmed as on April 30 shall be entitled for summer vacation, the dates of which shall be announced by the principal in consultation with the Management and HODs concerned.

4.7  On duty assignments

4.7.1. The College can permit any staff member to take special assignments such as the following

           a. Spot Valuation

           b. Observer duty to different colleges

           c. Industrial visits

           d. Participation in seminars

           e. Expert member for Viva voce examinations

           f. Lab examiner duties

           g. Participation in skill development program conducted by APSSDC

           h. Participation in sports in other colleges and universities

           i. Participation in management meets along with students

4.7.2. The period of absence due to such assignments shall be treated in the following manner:

          a.Where the assignment is under arrangement between the College and the other unit/university, the staff will continue to receive the pay and perquisites from the College.


  • All promotions shall be considered on the basis of merit- cum – seniority basis.
  • The Principal shall appoint a committee for promotion, in which he shall be the Chairman, with Professors/senior faculty and invited experts from Industries/Other Institutions.
  • The Committee shall consider promotion of teaching staff to the next higher position as per AICTE norms, subject to the condition that there has not been any disciplinary action taken against such candidate for promotion, for any misconduct he/she has committed during the service.
  • Under normal circumstances all the eligible staff members shall be considered for promotion to the next higher level position. subject to the fulfillment of AICTE norms

                       a. Assoc. Prof:  5Years after ME/M.Tech /MBA with PhD and also with relevant API score

                       b. Professor: 10 years of service with PhD and relevant API score

           Those who are promoted shall be fixed in the Scale of Pay applicable to that category at the discretion of the management


6.1. In-house R&D

6.1.1. The College encourages its faculty to undertake department-wise R&D Activities along with Students and other Staff Members.

6.1.2. An in-house R&D centre namely Centre for Innovation, Research and Development (CIRD) was established in the college.

6.1.3. Staff members are encouraged to apply for DSTE projects and other AICTE/UGC projects.

6.2.Seminars, FDP’s and Workshops

6.2.1. The College encourages its faculties to organize AICTE/UGC funded Seminars/FDP’s/workshops for the benefits of fellow faculty members and students.

6.2.2. The Management provides additional 100% funds for any AICTE/UGC funded programs wherever necessary.



7.1 The Management is pleased to announce the following incentives and rewards for Students:

7.1.1. Students who secure 90% and above marks will be given cash award of Rs.5000 in each semester.

7.1.2. Students who excel in state and national level competitions will be given cash prizes 

7.1.3. The College undertakes various programs like personality development, entrepreneur-ship development, improving communications skills and computing skills and also placement specific programs for Students free of cost.

7.1.4. Concessional bus fare to poor students.


8.1.   Code of Conduct for Faculty

8.1.1. Faculty members shall be in the classroom at the appointed time without fail.

8.1.2. Every faculty shall take attendance at the beginning of the teaching hour.

8.1.3. Every faculty shall close the hour punctually at the end of the hour.

8.1.4. A faculty finding a student committing any act of misconduct in the class or in the premises, shall immediately take appropriate action, which shall be taking corrective action if it is within his/her power, or reporting the matter to the HoD and then to Principal

8.1.4. Every staff member shall attend all the departmental and institutional functions and carry out responsibilities assigned by using the best of his/her skills and attention.

8.1.5. Faculty members shall not engage themselves in other activities/businesses, which affect their effective contribution to the Department and the College.

8.1.6. Faculty members shall not receive gifts of any kind from the Students or their Parents for any favoritism.

8.1.7. Faculty members shall maintain a respectable work conduct in terms of:

           i. Preparation for the particular day’s Classes, with latest information added to the course content.

          ii. Keeping all teaching aid material required for conducting the class in an orderly manner.

        iii. Going according to session plan for the day and completing the syllabus for the semester without any backlog.

        iv. Following up assignments and tests given to students, evaluating in time and giving feedback to the students.

       v. Ensuring the orderly arrangement of Class room and its cleanliness with the help of students and the cleaning staff, wherever appropriate.

      vi. Faculty should educate the students about the need for obtaining prior permission for any kind of leaves

8.1.8. Faculty members shall observe good personal conduct in terms of:

  • Not using any abusive language towards students, fellow faculty members, parents and other members of public.
  • Not entering into quarrels, fights or any act of disrespectable nature.
  • Not engaging in any activity of business inside the college premises, including money lending, canvassing for the sale of any articles or distribution of any commodity.
  • Not to affiliate with any political organization which might cause conflict of interest with the duties of faculty members and the reputation of the Institution.
  • Faculty members shall confirm to the Ethical Standards.


8.2.1. Any faculty who is violating the code of conduct will be subjected to appropriate disciplinary action by the Principal/Secretary/Chairman.

8.2.2. If a faculty commits an act of misconduct or misdemeanor by violating the code of conduct, anyone can report in writing to the Principal.

8.2.3. The Principal shall hold a preliminary enquiry on the matter, by calling the person against whom the report is given, as immediately as possible and such enquiry shall be held in the presence of the complainant.

8.2.4. If the Principal is satisfied with the facts of the Complaint on such enquiry, he shall proceed with the disciplinary process, depending upon the nature of such violation.

8.2.5. He shall proceed with issuing a Show Cause Notice, fully describing the office and the action proposed to be taken, giving sufficient time for the accused  faculty for giving his/her explanation.

8.2.6. On receipt of the explanation, or after the expiry of the time stipulated for submission of explanation, the Principal shall go through the merit of the explanation and decide on the course of action, which may include a punishment.

8.2.7. The course of action for disciplining a faculty shall be under the following categories:

           a. Memo and Censure.

           b. Warning in writing, with recovery of money, where financial loss is involved in the act.

           c. Suspension from work without remuneration.

           d. Dismissal or discharge from service.

         Any staff member receiving more than two memos or warning letters will be either suspended from work or dismissed from the service.

8.2.8. The Principal shall report the proceedings periodically to the Secretary/Chairman.


8.3.1 Grievance would mean dissatisfaction arising out of the decision of the Management concerning the employees. Grievances cover individual grievances such as:

  • Payment of Salary
  • Recoveries of dues etc.
  • Increments
  • Working conditions/Health & Safety
  • Leaves
  • Non-extension of benefits under rules
  • Promotion
  • Administration or Academic issues
  • Reimbursements
  • Interpersonal Conflicts/Issues with the HOD or team members
  • Separation/Retention

Procedure for handling Grievances

The individual can raise grievance according to the following procedure. The aggrieved employee may take up the grievance in writing with the HOD, who has to resolve the issue at that level within 5 working days. In case if the HOD fails to resolve the problem within 5 days, the aggrieved employee may approach the principal who has to resolve the grievance within 5 working days. Even if the grievance is not solved at principal level, the management in consultation with the grievance redressal committee will solve the problem. Altogether, the grievances of the employees will be resolved within a maximum period of 15 days. In addition to the above, the institute provides welfare facilities to the satisfaction of employees and students as evident from the subsidized canteen facility it has provided to students and staff. It also provides free transportation to all the professors and subsidized transportation facility to all the assistant and associate professors. To sum up, the HR policies of the college are employee oriented.


KITS recognizes that sexual harassment violates fundamental rights of gender equality, right to life and liberty and right to work with human dignity as guaranteed by the Constitution of India. To meet this objective, measures shall be taken to avoid, eliminate and if necessary impose punishment for any act of sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexually determined behavior. Sexual Harassment is a criminal offence and punishable under relevant laws of the Country.

Policy against sexual harassment

The policy on sexual harassment applies to teaching staff, non teaching staff and students.


The Committee against sexual harassment will be represented by minimum 50% of members being women and the Committee Head will also be a senior most woman staff member. Any person who wants to complain on sexual harassment is required to promptly inform the committee concerned against sexual harassment. All complaints of sexual harassment shall be addressed in a confidential manner. The complaint will be investigated in a time-bound manner in accordance with principles of natural justice and a detailed report shall be maintained. Based on the recommendations of the committee, the Principal will initiate action, as deemed appropriate within 15 days. In case if the employee who has made the complaint feels that the committee against sexual harassment has not provided her/him due justice, the complainant may approach the college Chairman. The time frame for investigating and closing the case is 1 month from the time it is brought to the notice of the Committee. This policy will be displayed prominently in the college Portal, ensuring that all employees are aware of the same.


1.1. Retirement from Service

10.1.1. All teaching and non teaching staff shall retire on completing the age of superannuation, which is 65 for professors and 60 for non-teaching staff.

10.1.2. The College will communicate in writing before 6 months of retirement, as a measure of assistance to the retiring employee.

10.1.3. The age of superannuation as mentioned above shall not be applicable to the Professors of Emeritus and Special Category appointments.




Annexure 1





Sub: Estt-staff – Appointment of Professor in the Department of Management studies of KKR & KSR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCES, - Orders – Issued – Reg

Ref: Minutes of the staff selection committee - KKR & KSR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCES dt-


----------------is appointed as professor in the Dept of ---------------on regular basis, on the recommendations of the staff selection committee held ----------------in the time scale of --------------------plus usual allowances applicable under the college rules.  He has to report to the principal on or before ---------. This order is subject to the following terms and conditions.

1. He shall execute a bond that he will abide by the service and conduct rules and leave rules of the college in force to time to time.

2. He shall continue to draw the same pay and allowances, the date of increment being the same as in his adhoc appointment

He shall lodge with the college all the original certificates relating to his age, qualification and experiences. He is further requested to acknowledge the receipt of his order.




Annexure 2







                With reference to your application dated ---------- for appointment for Assistant/Associate/Professor in the Department of ------ in our KKR & KSR Institute of Technology & Sciences and the interview you had attended before the selection committee, we are pleased to inform that you have been appointed as Assistant/Associate/Professor in the Department of -----. Your appointment is on regular basis in the scale of --------------- with a basic pay Rs.---------

                You are requested to report for duty on or before --------------- & you are requested to submit photo copies of Aadhaar card, Pan Card and Original certificates of qualification at the time of Joining.                                                     



Copy to:

1.       Candidate

2.       Accounts Section

3.       File


Annexure 3

Personal Data Form



Father’s Name:

Date of Birth:

Address for Communication:

Mobile Number

Email ID:

Educational Qualifications:






Annexure 4

Form of Show cause notice






It has been reported against you that on…..at…you have….. the original report of which is appended for your information.

The act as alleged above, if proved, would constitute misconduct on your part, warranting a punishment of dismissal or other lesser punishment.

You are hereby required to show cause in writing within 48 hours of receipt hereof, failing which further action will be taken exparte.




Enc: Copy of the original report.



Annexure 5




Dear Prof./Mr.

We wish to bring it to your attention, that you will be attaining the age of superannuation on….and you will be due to retire on that date.

The College places on record the services rendered by you for …yrs and …months, and we wish you a healthy, long and pleasant retired life.

With best wishes,


Yours faithfully,





Annexure 6


A Faculty

  • shall live and lead by example in every sphere of conduct particularly to inculcate a good culture among students
  • to respect parents, faculties, elders
  • to express the love of brotherhood to fellow students
  • to accept and extend due respect to every religion and social groups
  • to love the nation and endeavor to her progress    
  • shall have a sense of belongingness to the Institution.
  • shall assume total dedication to the teaching profession
  • shall always have an urge  to excel in professional expertise

A Faculty

  • shall wear a respectable attire, befitting the society’s expectations
  • shall keep up immaculate personal hygiene at all times
  • shall never appear untidy, through style of  dressing, grooming of hair or in respect of any other ornament one wears
  • shall never have the habit of  chewing, smoking or consumption of alcoholic drinks
  • shall never gossip or discuss unauthentic information with peers or other members of public which might provoke a sensation or ill feeling of any sort

A Faculty

  • shall always listen to students with concern, whether it be in respect of doubts in lessons or it be relating to any personal help
  • shall always motivate the students, giving them a feeling of comfort and encouraging their enthusiastic expressions

A Faculty

  • shall attend to parents as a true representative of the Institution, clarify their doubts with concern and help them understanding the system in a better manner
  • shall always give the parents authentic and correct information and never enter into any form of gossiping either relating to the Institute or of fellow faculties, students or any other member of society

A Faculty

  • shall always accept the entity of fellow faculties, honor their sentiments and  respect their value system
  • Shall always endeavor to assist fellow faculties, either in their teaching practice or in any form of adjustment required for discharging their responsibility
