Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical


Activities of MHRD-IIC(Quarter I)

Self-Driven Activity:

  1. Life in Art-To identify and to encourage various skills of the students conducted this program          
  2. Induction Program for I year students                           
  3. Tanana-Art Mela (Entrepreneurial Awareness Camp)                            
  4. Field Visit to Palm Springs and MNR Ginning Mills on 22nd August, 2019.A Filed Visit to palm Springs G 18 Building, MNR Ginning Mills & Spinning Mills            
  5. Field visit-A Field visit is organized to Mechanical Engineering students to Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Station on 11th and 12th July,2019   
  6. Faculty Development Program on Signal Processing and Optimization Techniques Sponsored by MeitY, Govt of India    An Faculty Development Program was Organized in June, 2019 from 3rd to 7th June. This Faculty development Program was sponsored by MeitY, Government of India
  7. Guest Lecture on Power Management of Solar PV Powered Micro Grid on 3rd August,2019
  8. A Guest Lecture on Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition on 5th July,2019           
  9. One Week Work Shop On Industrial Automation & Entrepreneurship                         
  10. Guest Lecture on VLSI Front end & Back end Design Flow by N.Sivaji Sayta Ganesh, Veda IIT, Amaravathi        
  11. Faculty Development Program on VLSI chip Design using Open Source EDA       A one week National Level Faculty Development Program was organized at KITS-Guntur in association with Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India     
  12. Faculty Development Program on AUTO DESK AUTO CAD by ICT Academy from 10th to 16th July,2019                     
  13. Guest Lecture on WLANs & Cyber Security by Dr.HL Guru Raj, Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore, India        
  14. A 3-Days hands on Workshop on Lab view in Engineering
  15. Workshop on Startup Creation by Edutech Innovation Labs                
  16. Boot camp on Machine Learning    
  17. Faculty Development Program on Java by Oracle Academy     
  18. National Work Shop on " Remote Sensing and GIS"                          
  19. Guest Lecture on Mesh Free Methods in Finite Element Methods    

MIC Driven Activities:

  1. NEAT Logo Contest
  2. Innovate To INSPIRE 2019 by EESL- The above challenge is currently inviting applications from academia (students and (or) faculties) to submit sustainable and scalable solutions (PoC/Prototype) in the thematic area of Grid Management, Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy, E-Mobility and Financial Instruments.
  3. India First Leadership Talk Series- India First Leadership Talk Series with Hon'ble HRD Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank'.
  4. Innovation Day Campaign on 5th October,2019.

IIC Driven Activities:

  1. My Story - Innovator’s Life & Crossroad Motivational Speak - To be Share by Innovators
  2. Organize One Day Workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity”-
  3. Organise One Day Workshop on Problem Solving/Design Thinking/Ideation Workshop/ Campus Hackathon etc.
  4. Field/Exposure Visit to Village/Society /School/Industry/Market – Identity real Life Problem
  5. My Story - Entrepreneur’s Life & Crossroad – Motivational Speak - To be Share by Entrepreneurs
  6. Formulate Council, Upload of 1st Quarter Action Plan with Minutes of Meeting of Council.

Committee Members:



Name of the Faculty & Department



Dr.. Ch Aruna

Prof&Head, CSE

2 Industry Advisor

Sri Suresh Narra

Delivery Head, Infosys

3 Industry Advisor

Mrs. G Jayasree

CEO, ALCHEM chemicals


Startup Activity Coordinator


Associate Professor, Dept of ECE


Internship Coordinator

Mr. Ch.Chandra Sekhar Reddy Training and Placement Officer


IPR Coordinator

Mr.M Ramanjaneyulu

Asst. Prof, Dept of MBA


ARIIA Coordinator


Professor, Dept of CSE


NIRF Coordinator

Dr.M.Vasim Babu

Professor, Dept of ECE


Social Media Coordinator


Associate Professor, Dept of S&H


IIC Council Member (CSE)


Professor, Dept. of CSE


IIC Council Member (ECE)

Mr.K.Mallikharjuna Rao

Asst. Prof, Dept of ECE


IIC Council Member (CSE)

M.Srinivasa Rao

Asst. Prof, Dept of CSE


IIC Council Member (CSE)

Mrs.Ch.Jahansi Rani

Asst. Prof, Dept of CSE


IIC Council Member (EEE)


Asst. Prof, Department of EEE


IIC Council Member (MBA)

Mr K.Chandra Reddy

Asst. Prof,Department of MBA


IIC Council Member (MBA)

Mrs Y.Anusha

Asst. Prof,Department of MBA


IIC Council Member (Mechanical)


Asst. Prof, Dept of Mechanical


IIC Council Member (Civil)


Asst. Prof, Department of CE


IIC Council Member (Basic Sciences)

Mrs.Vadlanudi Lakshmi Kiranmai

Assistant Professor