The code of conduct for students is meant to promote professional behavior and academic integrity, leading to an effective learning environment that prepares graduates for meaningful professional pursuits.
Code of conduct:
Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of discipline and dignified behavior inside the campus as well as outside. They shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college and should act in such a way that maintains the dignity and prestige of the college.
Students are expected to strictly follow the 6-day work schedule Monday to Saturday (8AM-3PM & 10AM-5PM)). Students must attend classes regularly in order to reach the desirable standards of academic attainment.
Students must pay fees, mess bills etc. in advance or in time to avoid fines and inconveniences.
Harassment of juniors, ill treatment to fellow students or any such form of ragging is objectionable and liable to be treated as criminal offence as per law, following the directives of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
All students are expected to be present in the class well within the specified time. Late coming will be punished in terms of loss of attendance, leading to shortage in attendance.
No student shall enter or leave the class room when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.
Students must report to the lab directly in time with observation book and record.
Misbehavior towards girl students, use of threat or violence against members of the staff or fellow students will be considered as very serious cases of misconduct, liable for strict disciplinary action.
Students must mandatorily be present for all the session(s) in seminars/project presentations etc.
Students can leave the campus during class hours only after getting a gate pass duly authorized by the Principal, HoD, or the Counselor and signing in the register available at exit gate.
Every employee shall be governed by these rules and is liable for all consequences in the event of any breach of rules by him/her.
Every employee shall maintain integrity of character, be devoted to his/her duty and be honest and impartial in his / her official dealings. An employee shall be courteous and polite in his / her dealings with Management, Principal, other members of staff, students and with members of the public. He / she shall exhibit utmost loyalty and shall always act in the best interests of the college.
An employee shall be required to observe the scheduled working hours during which he / she must be present at the place of his / her work. No employee shall be absent from duty without prior permission. Even during leave or vacation, no employee shall leave headquarters except with prior permission of the competent authority. Whenever leaving station, an employee shall inform the Principal, in writing through the respective H.O.D, or directly, if he / she happen to be the H.O.D, mentioning the contact address during the period of his / her absence from headquarters,
No employee shall be a member of nay political party or shall take part in politics or be associated with any party or organization, which takes part in political activity; nor shall aid or assist in any manner any political movement or activity.
No employee shall make any statement, publish or write through any media, which has an adverse effect/ criticism of any policy or action of the college; or is deemed detrimental to the interests of the college.
No employee can engage directly or indirectly in any trade or any private tuition or undertake employment outside his official assignment, whether for any monetary gain or not.
An employee against whom an insolvency proceeding is pending before a Court of Law shall forthwith report full facts to the college.
An employee against whom any criminal proceedings are initiated in a Court of Law shall immediately inform the competent authority of the college with full details.
No employee shall except with prior permission of the competent authority, can take recourse to law or to the press for the vindication of any official act of the college which has been the subject matter of criticism or attach defamatory character.
Whenever an employee wishes to put forth any claim or seeks redressal of any grievance, he/she must forward his / her case in writing through proper channel to the competent authority and shall not forward any such advance copies of his / her application to any higher authorities unless the competent authority has rejected his / her claim or refused redressal of the grievance or has delayed the matter beyond a reasonable time.
An employee who commits any offence or dereliction of duty or does an act detrimental to the interest of the college is subjected to an enquiry and punishment by the competent authority. However, any employee aggrieved with the decision of the competent authority may appeal against such punishment or decision within 15 days of the receipt of the orders of the decision to the Management and the decision of the Management thereon is final and binding on the employee.
No employee shall engage in strike or incitements, therein or similar activities such as absence from work or neglect of duties or participate in hunger strike etc. Violation of the rule will amount to misconduct and attract deterrent punishment.