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NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical
Faculty & Grievance Cell

The Grievance Cell has been formed to help Faculty and Staff regarding to record and solve their grievances in matters directly affecting them, either individually or as a group. The Cell will address the grievances and communicate to the concerned authority for a suitable action or a possible redressal. The Faculty Grievance committee receives petitions from faculty members in the form of written and signed complaints as well as complaints received through e-mails. The Committee shall study the petition and after looking into the relevant documents and the final settlement of any grievance shall be made within a reasonable period.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • It entertains written and signed complaints and petitions of faculty in respect of matters directly affecting them either individually or as a group

  • To enquire into the grievances and make recommendations to the authorities concerned for redressal.

  • To recommend appropriate action against the complainant if allegations are proved baseless.


Faculty Grievance Committee Members

S.no Name Department & Designation Position
1 Prof. M Basaveswara Rao HoD, BS&H Convener
2 Dr. K Chandra Reddy Asst. Prof. MBA Member
3 Mr. S Venkatesh Asst. Prof. EEE Member
4 Mr. J Koteswara Rao Asst. Prof. Mech Member
5 Dr. A.Suneetha Asst. Prof. CSE Member
6 Mr. K Syam babu Asst. Prof. ECE Member
7 Mrs. B Rajeswari Asst. Prof. IT Member