Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical
Department Association

The Democratic set-up of KITS is extensive with Six Departments – Department of Sciences and Humanities (S&H), Department of Civil Engineering (CE), Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME), Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) and Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Each Department is headed by a senior professor and is given fullest freedom to innovate and plan its perspectives of development. Organizational hierarchy is maintained to ensure administrative harmony. Empowerment through total decentralization of the departmental administrative system into several committees and units headed by senior faculty, promotes cooperation, sharing of knowledge and innovations. As a part of this each Department has its own Association with a specific identity.  The Civil Engineering Department Association is “CEA”, the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Association is “VOLTA”, the Mechanical Engineering Association is “MESA”, the Electrical and Communications Engineering Association is “SPACE”, the computer scince and engineering - data science association is "SPARK", the computer science engineering - AIML association is "ELITE", the Information Technology association is "RISE" and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Association is “INFOMAC”.  These Departmental Associations are formed to conduct various events both for the Students and Faculty members to enrich the Knowledge along with the curriculum. To monitor and to manage all these departmental activities a committee is constituted with the following members.

Department Association Committee:

S.no Name Department & Designation Position
1 Mr. M.Ayyappa Chakravarthy Asst. Prof. CSE Convener
2 Mrs. K.Krishnaveni Asst. Prof. Mech Co-Convener
3 Dr K.Madhu Sudan rao Prof. ECE Member
4 Mrs. A.Gamyaveni Asst. Prof. EEE Member
5 Mrs. B Rajeswari Asst. Prof. IT Member
6 Dr. A Suneetha Asst. Prof. CSE Member