Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical
Organization Chart

Organization and Governance

  • The college has a well-marked administrative set up conforming to the norms of the AICTE and the UGC.

  • The Director/Principal wields the powers with regard to financial and all the academic and administrative matters including the conduct of examinations. Each of the departments has a head of the department who, in turn, assigns various tasks to different members of faculty.

  • As far as running the autonomous stream is concerned, the statutory and Non-statutory Committees look after the academic and administrative procedures.

  • The statutory committees are constituted as per the guidelines of the UGC.

  • There are different Non-statutory committees which have their well-defined Charters.

  • For undertaking examination-oriented tasks, Principal is the Chief Superintendent of Examinations. There is a Controller of examinations who is assisted by 3 Assistant controllers of examinations.

  • As far as the administrative functions are concerned, the Administrative Officer looks after the activities executed by clerical, programming, data entry and ministerial staff.

  • All the monetary transactions (both the receipts and payments) are processed through a nationalized bank.

  • The faculty and students are involved in several activities in addition to academic assignments. The sense of involvement makes them to develop a sense of belonging for the institution. Every Funded project has a coordinator who is totally responsible along with his or her team for the project. Director/Principal wields the financial power.

  • On the whole, the members of faculty and non-teaching staff of the college believe in the dignity of labor, and all the functions of the college are meticulously planned, properly coordinated and perfectly executed.