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NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical

Anti Ragging Committee

         The college has Discipline & Anti ragging Committees.The institute and all the functions of the institute should function in a defined system. To create an appreciable environment to the process of Teaching and Learning and to the mandatory functional flows of the University, while the disciplinary functions of the employees are taken care by the institutional management, the disciplinary and anti ragging functions of the student are taken care by the disciplinary cell of the institute. A Senior Professor is in-charge of the cell and supported by number of faculty members from all the departments catering to all the students of all courses. The cell basically works on the following model for the student disciplinary functions. Anti ragging is one of the important and mandatory functions of the institute there is a Standing committee at the institute to look into the anti ragging cases. The committee counsels the students for anti ragging and follows the principle of preventive actions. The students involved in ragging are punished as per the regulations.Students were counseled consistently regarding proper dress, tuck-in and wearing of Identity card. Cell phones are prohibited into the college for the students.  Undertaking from the parents of the students who were indulged in any in-disciplinary activities.

The basic functions of the cell 

  1. To create self-confidence and congenial environment among the newly admitted students by way of conducting frequent  interactive sessions to clear the doubts related to academic matters, social interaction and compatibility.

  2. The “Discipline & Anti Ragging Committee Cell” provides a ragging free campus for newly admitted students to have a pleasant and    fruitful academic stay in this college.

  3. Faculty is deputed at various locations inside the college campus to monitor the student activities. Faculty sees that no student groups are formed and if any are observed, the group is dispersed to avoid any nuisance. 

  4. The punishment for ragging is displayed at various places to make the students aware of seriousness of the administration for  preventing ragging.

  5. To conduct an enquiry and identify  the culprits on receipt of complaint.

  6. Based on the first hand information and prime-facie evidence, the committee submits its report to the Principal for necessary  disciplinary action.

  7. Severe punishment will be imposed on the accused, if proven.

Committee Members:

S.No. Name of the member Designation Associated with Position
1 Prof. M Basaveswara Rao HoD BS&H Convener
2 Dr. Y Rajesh HoD EEE Member
3 Mr. B Satyanarayana Reddy Asst. Professor CSE Member
4 Mrs. J Mounika Asst.Professor IT Member
5 Mr. G Babu Rao Asst. Professor Mech Member
6 Mr. A Suribabu Asst. Professor CE Member
7 Mr. S Venkateswarlu Asst. Professor MBA Member
8 Mrs. Sk. Arifa Asst. Professor BS&H Member