Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical
Criteria V


5.1 - Student Support

5.1.1 - Number of students benefitted by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government during the year

(i) Upload self-attested letters with the list of students receiving scholarships - CLICK HERE

(ii) Upload any additional information - CLICK HERE

5.1.2 - Number of students benefitted by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution and non-government agencies during the year 

(i) Upload any additional information - CLICK HERE

(ii) Institutional data in prescribed format

5.1.3 - The following Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activities are organised for improving students’ capabilities

1.Soft Skills

2. Language and Communication Skills

3. Life Skills (Yoga, Physical fitness, Health and Hygiene) 

4 Awareness of Trends in Technology

 A. All of the above

 B. Any 3 of the above

 C. Any 2 of the above

 D. Any 1 of the above

 E. None of the above 

(i) Details of capability development and schemes - CLICK HERE

(ii) Any additional information - CLICK HERE

5.1.4 - Number of students benefitted from guidance/coaching for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the year 

(i) Any additional information - CLICK HERE

(ii) Number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling during the year (Data Template) - CLICK HERE

5.1.5 - The institution adopts the following mechanism for redressal of students’ grievances, including sexual harassment and ragging:

1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies

2. Creating awareness and implementation of policies with zero tolerance

3. Mechanism for submission of online/offline students’ grievances

4. Timely redressal of grievances through appropriate committees

 A. All of the above

 B. Any 3 of the above

 C. Any 2 of the above

 D. Any 1 of the above

 E. None of the above

(i) Minutes of the meetings of students’ grievance redressal committee, prevention of sexual harassment committee and Anti-ragging committee - CLICK HERE

(ii) Details of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases - CLICK HERE

(iii) Upload any additional information - CLICK HERE 

5.2 - Student Progression

5.2.1 - Number of outgoing students who got placement during the year - CLICK HERE

(i) Self-attested list of students placed

(ii) Upload any additional information

5.2.2 - Number of outgoing students progressing to higher education 

(i) Upload supporting data for students/alumni - CLICK HERE

(ii) Details of students who went for higher education - CLICK HERE

(iii) Any additional information - CLICK HERE

5.2.3 - Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations during the year

(i) Upload supporting data for students/alumni - CLICK HERE

(ii) Any additional information

5.3 - Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1 - Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports and/or cultural activities at inter-university / state /national / international events (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the year  

(i) e-copies of award letters and certificates - CLICK HERE

(ii) Any additional information

5.3.2 - Presence of an active Student Council and representation of students in academic and administrative bodies/committees of the institution 

(i) Any additional information - CLICK HERE

5.3.3 - Number of sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the institution 

(i) Report of the event - CLICK HERE

(ii) List of sports and cultural events / competitions organised per year - CLICK HERE

(iii) Upload any additional information

5.4 - Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 - The Alumni Association and its Chapters (registered and functional) contribute significantly to the development of the institution through financial and other support services 

(i) Upload any additional information - CLICK HERE

5.4.2 - Alumni’s financial contribution during the year  

 A. ≥ 15 Lakhs

 B. 10 Lakhs - 15 Lakhs

 C. 5 Lakhs - 10 Lakhs

 D. 2 Lakhs - 5 Lakhs

 E. <2 Lakhs

(i) Upload any additional information - CLICK HERE