Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical
Green Campus Policy

KKR&KSR Institute of Technology & Sciences demonstrates sensitivity and responsibility in implementing green concepts in the campus. The campus sustainability initiatives are aimed at promoting green practices in and beyond the institution and develop best practices and strategies in environmental management. Although establishment and maintenance of green campus is important, spreading awareness on the green practices among students and educating stake holders is our priority. KITS will fairly manage water resources, waste management, conserve natural resources, and provide eco- friendly solutions and recommend minimal paper use. The Institute will implement following practices towards establishment and maintenance of green campus and adopt the awareness and green initiatives beyond the campus too. This will result in safe environment that is a better place to live, learn and play.


Water Management

  • Always practices and implements rain water recycling and harvest rain water to resolve and manage water scarcity problems in future.

  • Protect environment towards climatic changes and conservation of sources for drinking water.

  • Regularly inspects taps and pipes and repairs them immediately to avoid loss of potable water.

  • Promotes effective water management with drip pipe lines and recycling of drainage water.


Waste Management

  • Spreads the awareness amongst society about the waste management ecosystem and methods for its disposal.

  • Promotes the efforts for the conversion of waste into renewable energy.


Renewable Energy

  • Spreads awareness about renewable energy.

  • Promotes adaptation of solar power equipment/converters.

  • Adopts and promotes power saving electrical equipment.

  • Ensures scientific electrification and the use of bulbs and equipment in saving of power.


Green Building

  • Promotes and advocates the implementation of solar passive technology for sustainability and green concepts.

  • Maintains cleanliness in and around the campus and minimizes the waste.

  • Advocates for paperless work to reduce the waste production and to implement green practices.

  • Provision of Digital Library.


Minimize Pollution

  • The institute promotes the use of bicycles and other modes of mars transport that reduces air pollution.

  • Promotes landscaping with trees that improves air quality, reduces the urban heat island effect, supports biodiversity, and helps combat climate changes by absorbing carbon.

  • Ensures the campus is plastic free.


Tobacco Free campus

  • The use of tobacco products is prohibited on the campus.


Green initiatives beyond the campus

The Green Campus Programs beyond the campus are encouraged and planned. Strong commitment and support from the Management will always be there for contribution to embedding sustainability in the campus and beyond the campus.

Green Neighborhood promotional programs will inculcate social skills and bring awareness in communities to control pollution, save energy, practice on-site renewable energy methods and preserve agricultural and environmentally sensitive areas. The student-led Green Campus programs are initiated by the NSS volunteers under the NSS College Program Officer.