Department of CSE Faculty
Name: Mrs.G.Beulah Rani
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech
1. A Patent on "Machine learning and deep learning based approaches for predicition for brain disease,diagnosis,brain disorders,brai tumorus”
1. “Speed Controlling System using RFID Technique DC Motor” in “International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews”, Volume 4, Issue 1, - JAN 2023.
2. “Image Generation Based on Text using Deep Learning ” in Volume 6,Issue 1,January 2023.
3. “Survey on A-griculture based E-commerce Website” in Volume 12, Issue 03, Pages:448-454
Attended FDP’S and Work Shops:
1. Attended one week FDP programme on Microsoft Power BI conducted by KITS
2. Attended one week FDP programme on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications conducted by MAKE SKILLED
3. Attended one week FDP programme on Full Stack Development programme on Real time Full stack Applications conducted by MAKE SKILLED
4. Attended one week FDP programme on Full Stack Development programme on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning conducted by KITS & NITW
5. Attended one week FDP programme on Full Stack Development programme on Ethical Hackingconducted by KITS
6. Attended one week FDP programme on RESEARCH TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES IN INDUSTRY 4.0 conducted by KITS
Professional Memberships
S.No Organization Membership Number Membership Type
1 IAENG 323278 Lifetime