FACULTY 2018-19
FACULTY 2017-18
FACULTY 2016-17
Department of Civil Faculty
Name: K. Kavya
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: kavyacekolluru@gmail.com
Qualification: M.Tech.(Infrastructure Engineering )


  • 2 International conference on smart sustainable cities-28,29 December , 2017


  • One day seminars on case studies Geotechnical Engineering Practices (CGEP-2019) conducted by Indian Geotechnical Society
  • A workshop on PRIMAVERA software conducted by CPLR during march , 2019
  • Two day National Workshop on “Earthquake- Civil Engineering Structures-Not Perspective”. On 13,14 July , 2018


  • Attended A DST SERB Sponsored FDP on “Smart Materials And Structural Technologies” , Organized by Department of Civil Engineering , VVIT From 21st  & 22nd July, 2017
    Completed an NPTEL online course on Advanced topics in the science and technology of concrete”  2018-19
  • FDP on Organizational Behaviour Organized by National Institute Of Technical Teaches training and Research , Kolkata (12/11/2018-16/11/2018)
  • A faculty development program on Autodesk Autocad conducted by ICT Academy during 10/06/2019-14/06/2019

