Welcome to KITS
NBA has Granted 3 years Accreditation status for 5 UG Engg. Programmes: CSE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL & Mechanical

Program Educational Objective


Civil Engineering


PEO:1 To produce graduates who would have developed a strong background in basic science and mathematics and ability to use these tools in their chosen fields of specialization


PEO:2 To produce graduates who have the ability to demonstrate technical competence in the fields of civil engineering and develop solutions to the problems.

PEO:3 To produce graduates who would attain professional competence through life-long learning such as advanced degrees, professional registration, and other professional activities.

PEO:4 To produce graduates who function effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment and individually, within a global, societal, and environmental context.

PEO:5 To produce graduates who would be able to take individual responsibility and to work as a part of a team towards the fulfillment of both individual and organizational goals



Electrical and Electronics Engineering


PEO 1: Preparation - Higher education

 To prepare graduates to excel in technical education by providing a strong   foundation in electrical engineering and enable them to pursue

higher studies or  to find entry level positions in industries .

PEO 2: Core competence and T- shaped engineer

To make graduates technically competent so as to create, analyze, research, design, develop, optimize and implement solutions to electrical problems and social problems.


PEO 3: Professionalism and Life-long Learning 

To develop graduates with professionalism, ethical attitude, communicational skills, team work and adopt to current trends by engaging in lifelong learning.



Mechanical Engineering


PEO1: Graduates shall gain profound knowledge in various domains of mechanical engineering for successful career in Industry or pursue higher studies or research.


PEO2: Graduates shall become effective collaborators / innovators, addressing the social, technical and Engineering challenges.

PEO3: Graduates shall acquire lifelong learning skills, professional ethics, good communication capabilities   and leadership qualities for successful career.



Electronics and Communication Engineering


1.  To produce graduates who would have developed a strong background in basic science and mathematics and ability to use these tools                        in their chosen fields of specialization


2.  To produce graduates who have the ability to demonstrate technical competence in the fields of electronics and communication engineering and develop solutions to the problems


3.  To produce graduates who would attain professional competence through life-long learning such as advanced degrees, professional registration, and other professional activities.


4. To produce graduates who function effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment and individually, within a global, societal, and environmental context.


5. To produce graduates who would be able to take individual responsibility and to work as a part of a team towards the fulfillment of both individual and organizational goals.



Computer Scicence and Engineering


1.To provide students with a strong foundation in areas like mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals so as to enable them to solve and analyze engineering problems and  prepare them to graduate studies , R&D and studies of higher level.


2.To develop an ability to analyze and understand the requirements of software, technical specifications required and provide novel                                 engineering solutions to the problems associated with  hardware and software.


  3.To provide exposure to cutting edge technologies to students thereby making them to achieve excellence in the areas of their studies.


 4.To provide adequate training to students to make them work in teams on multi disciplinary projects with effective communications skills and                  leadership qualities


 5.To prepare the students for a successful career wherein they strike a balance between ethical values and commercial values.

