Department of CSE Faculty
Name: Mrs.G Srujana
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech


1. A patent Grant on” Electric Vehicle Charging Estimation Device Using Machine Learning”, Application Number : 2021102771, date of publication:20-4-2022.

2. A Patent on “Machine Learning-based Headlight Intensity Altering device for Electrical Vehicles”, Application Number : 202141017903 A, date  of publication:23-04-2021.

3. A Patent on Smart Healthcare Management systems for Diabetes prediction and for blood glucose measurement using Machine learning algorithms and neural network methods”, Application Number : 202341010530 date of publication :17-3-2023.

Paper Publications:

1. “Credit System Using Facial Recognition”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume-11, Issue-5, ISSN(O)-2278-1021,ISSN(P)-2319-5940,MAY 2022.

2. “Smart Valve using IOT Technology”,International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, Volume-6, Issue-1,ISSN : 2582-7219,January 2023.

3. “Suspect Face Detection By Auto-Sketching”, 12th IEEE International Conference on CSNT-2023, Paper ID:1570880464,9-4-2023.

4.”NeuralPress –AI-Powered Visual Data Compressor”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, Volume-7, Issue-3 ,ISSN : 2582-7219,March-2024.

5.”Smart Containers for Leftover Food Tracking For Packed And Unpacked Food”,5th International Conference on Innovative Product  Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.

Books Published:

• Book Entitled “Mastering Machine Learning”,has been published in Walnut Publication with ISBN:978-93-5574-300-8 IN October 2022.


• Qualified in APRSET – 2022.


• IAENG no:315498


• Ratified from JNTUK, Kakinada, in the year 2023.

Guest Lectures/ Seminars/ Workshops/ FDPs/ Webinars- Attended:

1. Attended Short-Term Course On Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Organized by KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences in Collaboration with CCE, NIT Warangal from 27-01-2023 To 31-01-2023.

2. Attended FDP On Adapting English Language Teaching to The Fourth Industrial Revolution Organized by Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad from 21.06.23 To 27.06.23.

3. Attended FDP  Ten Days On Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Organized by KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences from 20.06.2022 to 30.06.2022.

4. Attended FDP  Ten Days On Real-Time Full Stack Applications Organized by KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences from 20.8.2022 to 30.8.2022.

5. Attended FDP On Faculty Empowerment Program-2023 Organized by KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences from 22.06.23 To 24.06.23.

6. Attended A Five day faculty Development programme on” Applicationsof Machine Learning”, from 09-10-2023 to 13-10-2023.

7. Attended One day FDP On “Entrepreneurship,Innovation,IPR, Reseach Methodology and Scientific Writing” held on 20th January 2024.

8. Attended FDP On Faculty Development  Programmeon “Generative  AI Tools & Applications” Organized by KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences from 20.05.24 To 30.05.24.